Tuesday, June 28, 2005

to swim or not to swim...

spectacle lake

with oona

a day off in the sun

Monday, June 20, 2005


that's what i want to be doing. tomorrow marks day 6 of official Supervisor duties and boy am I exhausted! ( I was supposed to have tomorrow off, but on of our other supervisors is very sick, so I''m going to work tuesday and she'll work thursday for me... here's hoping she's feeling better!) My poor brain feels bruised. too many neurons trying to fire at once. I can't wait for wednesday! But there has been some good laughter, especially today. first, me and Helen had good fun during lunch, something about plumbs and nostrils - you had to be there; and then my sweet friend Nadya is visiting, so I went for dinner with her and her sister and by the end, well, let's just say that there was snorting involved, and tears too. and perhaps strange looks from the other patrons sitting near us. it was delicious. and the food was too. ;)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

yes I am holding a glass of champagne. we were toasting... it tasted gross

my sweet friends

sidetrack... our garden. isn't it cute?

mmmm, mmmm... tastey kabobs (sp?)

poor Tara, still has another year before she graduates...

silly pappa

me and Tara's classic pose...

so many of us... so colourful... so long...

obligatory grad photo

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

west coast BBQ

What do you get when you put chilly weather, shish-ka-bobs (sp?), potato salad, roasted red pepper and feta dip (mmmmmm!), gooey apple walnut cake, ambrosia, alcohol(champagne too!), parents, friends and university graduations together? you get a fun-filled evening at my house. And what fun it was.
aside from the rather painful/embarassing moments when various adults but you on the spot, asked those "questions" (what do you think about your education? are you using it in your job?)
it was an all around good time. the food was excellent (horray for the bbq working!), as was the company.
Now all I have to get though is tomorrow's convocation ceremony, and I'm FINITO!

p.s. pictures to follow. ;)

Monday, June 06, 2005

ah screw it...

I was going to try to do a more inventive, artsy, funky blog, but frankly I don't have the time or energy right now for that. So, I'm just going to put down whatever I've got in the moment, however I feel like it. so there. Seeing how this is my blog, I'm not sure why I'm trying to justify this to the 6-7 who actually bother reading it, but well, there you go.

So my parents are coming to town tomorrow evening for my convocation on thursday, and I'm pretty excited. I hope my brother Jesse is going to make it too, since he's never visited me here before. It's going to be a busy house though as Crystal's parents will be in town too. I'm all about the BBQ we're having on wed. night. here's hoping the grill works!

The garden is growing like crazy (okay, maybe not crazy-like, but them potatoes are givener!) I'll have to post a pic soon. and our roses are bee-utiful! I love eating from the garden, it just tastes that much better. mmmmm....

but it's time to get the butt in gear. gotta hem my new pants (those high-waisted ones I was talking about... ugh), clean the room, and make everything pretty for the parents. aw.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

what i saw today

... a percolation of coffee urns, a striping of surpervisors, a murder of crows...

she hasn't quite got it all figured out yet. her brain is still on information overload. so much that she's had to have a nap the last two afternoons.

In high-waisted pants, a leaky back tire, and a brian full of jumbled facts, she faces the day. Is she out save the helpless? rid the world of terror? find the cure for all diseases? no, not this time.
She is
a supervisor in training.