Monday, January 30, 2006

ok. anyone who lives in Nelson, Vancouver, Toronto, or Winnepeg (and maybe a couple other big cities), you have to go and see "A Simple Curve" on friday (or at least sometime after that while it's still in the theater). It is a fabulous film that happens to be set in the Slocan Valley (New Denver area more specifically). The story is great, the acting bang on, and the scenery, well it doesn't get much better. A bunch of us saw it here as part of the Victoria Film Festival, and we'd gone to see it primarily because it was set in the valley, but it was way better than I imagined (or than the trailer on the website might suggest). I'm hoping that it's going to come to Victoria again soon, because I'll definately be taking as many people as I can to go see it.

check out the website:

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Word Scramble: yiwdn

woah windy weather! watch out, wear warm winterwear.

party party party it's the weekend! after another slow day at work (made barable by the ever lovely and amusing Sue), came home and attempted to get ahold of the pappa for a big birthday wish (53, i think?) but the man was too popular, out and about, so it will have to wait til tomorrow. Finally talked to the younger brother (after about 2 months or more). made some suppa with the roomies, played some crib (and won! boo-ya) then me and crystal decided that we didn't want to spend another friday at home, so we went down to the Central Bar and Grill to see Kelly Joel Phelps (acoustic/slide guitar and a wicked smooth husky voice). It was nice once we got a seat (2nd half), pretty mellow. A guy from highschool was there, and it was cool to chat with him. Did i mention that it was mellow? Did I mention that some guy got punched in the face, and the guy that hit him got dragged out by the bouncer? oh yeah, that happened. It was pretty fast, and Kelly kept on playing, but i mean, it was an acoustic show... (although the guy that got punched was really annoying...)
then we raced to the car, wind wooshing, hair flying (well mine was under a hat), and came home.
Now the wind is beating up the tarp that covers our neighbours camper, and i get to listen to it all night long.
Sweet dreams...

Monday, January 23, 2006

if you didn't vote, you can't complain...

sooo.... how 'bout them conservatives hey? GAAA!!!
thank god it's a minority government and not a majority conservative one!
at least the NDP upped their number of seats. (yay BC voters!)
this is going to be interesting...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

oh sundays...

Today I:

-slept in
-had delicious scrambled eggs and veggies with pesto on an engish muuffin courtesy of Crystal
-talked to my aunt, mom, grandma and cousin on the phone (and almost my elusive brother, but he wasn't home when he said he'd be!)
-lost at crib
- cleaned my room
- cleaned the mold off of my windows...ewww
- walked to fantastico's with Crystal for an americano... yummmmm
- got asked to be a bridesmaid for my cousin's wedding! (in summer of 2007)
- made lasagna (a little soupy but tres tastey!)
- played Lord of the Rings monopoly with crystal, tara, and dave (and won!)
- finished knitting a scarf
- went to sleep in a bed with fresh flannel sheets... aaaahhhhh....zzzzzz....

oh yeah, and yesterday I got a great pair of jeans that were on sale, and fit really well!!! (it's a rare thing let me tell you) and me and oona went for a nice walk around swan lake.
oh and the night before, me and Ben and Michael went for dinner at Le Petit Saigon a lovely Vietnamese restuarant (spelling of the last two???). it was fabulous, and the waiter made me a drink that we named the pocket rocket (cause it tasted a little like those "rocket" candies you get around halloween)
i think that's all...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

let's talk about toilets. yes, toliets. Specifically, the things that can go wrong with toilets, and the joy that is fixing the. Let's take, for example, the simple issue of replacing the flusher (the little handle you press down on to make the water work its miracles). a simple job no? get a new handle. But wait! what happens when they (yes "they") have decided to stop making that style of flusher? well, you can try to use a different one, tie if on with a peice of string. but that only works for a little while, and get's a little frustrating. if you're renting a place, lucky you, call your landlord (or landlady in our case) and they can fix it. which is what she decides to do, herself. oh wait, not by herself, but with my help, because apparently we had to put in a whole new flushing system thingy to go with the new flusher handle... Starting at 8:30 this morning, (i'm supposed to work at 11am - thinking no problem, she'll be out of here in an hour tops), and FOUR hours later (thank goodness it was okay for me to come to work late), oh god, I don't really want to go into the grime, and cursing, and stupid plastic parts, and a trip to the "do-it center", and more grime, and leaking, and more cursing... so we're going to stop there. but if you ever need a new flush system put in your tank... (please call a plumber)
anyone hungry?

oh yeah, on a better note, me and Tara had our first belly dancing class tonight. weee. it was fun for the most part, feeling a little uncoordinated, but here's hoping that will pass. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

some pics, from Emanuel's birthday and the like...

hmmmm.... a year teaching English in Germany with Tara... hmmm....
work is so slow now, we're rolling coins for fun...
we've cleaned EVERYTHING
breaks seem pointless...
there's only 4 staff on over the course of the day, compared to 20ish
cleaning under the sink is exciting...
every time someone speaks, I think of a song lyric...

now don't get me wrong, slow is okay right now, we've earned it. but. slow is still slow.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Welcome 2006, please be gentle...

Another year has come and gone...
- Graduating university
- getting a free car from my uncle
- our garden
- trips to the beach
- becoming a supervisor
- my trip to edmonton, kelowna, and nelson
- dancing in the kitchen with Crystal, Tara, and Dave at various times
- Christmas with my parents and my brother Jesse, and skating on christmas eve
- yummy brunches
- potlucks
- folkfest
- seeing Feist, Matthew Good, and other fabulous bands play

- having to fix my free car... ;)
- not having Levi here for christmas
- not being home for christmas
- working 7-8 days in a row
- student loan payments
- being single, still
- dealing with the neighbours downstairs
- mold on the windows
- Jesse breaking his leg on New Year's Eve.

to be continued...

maybe I'll do a photo montage... oooohhh what fun!