Monday, February 27, 2006

Sunday, February 26, 2006

three strikes and it's a turkey...

Yes, I'm talking about bowling.
Had a great day today, friend's Alida and Jodi from the valley are here visiting and we had a delicious breakfast of veggie scromlete and toast. Then we bundled up (because yes it snowed a little today - not as bad as the mini blizzard of 2 days ago, but it was still cold) and walked downtown to do a little shopping. lunch at the Lotus pond, so full! bus trip home, some yerba mate tea, a competative game of scrabble (crystal won of course), some good conversation and relaxing on the couch. Then, we met up with tara, emanuel, and moneet, and went bowling! we had to wait a bit (well and hour) for a lane so we hung out in the "bar" had a drink or two and played some darts (I lost both games...). Finally, after paying and getting our rather ratty shoes (except for emanuel's) from an interesting employee (and by interesting i mean slightly wacky and a tinge irritating) we got to bowl. First game not so hot, second was definately better for me. 2 strikes in a row! (that's big for someone who usually doesn't make it to 100)
photos in the am...

Monday, February 13, 2006

After 4 1/2 years, i've finally gotten a library card. Yup. I decided while walking downtown this sunny afternoon that I would do the deed. I was hoping that I'd get to see my friend Ben there, but alas he must have been working at another branch. After handing over my driver's liscence and listening to a very well rehersed (and i'm sure often exercised) speech about how to use, how many books, what to do in case of losing, and late fee charges I ambled around in the video and cd section for a few minutes, and then left empty handed. I hadn't come prepared to actually borrow anything today. But now I can. yay me. :)

Did any fellow figure skating fans out there catch the pairs free skate today. How crazy that last skate by the chinese pair! She was incredible, getting up after that fall and then actually skating a great performance to win the silver. Talk about impressive. I'm sure they have the story here.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

It's sunny! It's sunny! La la la la la!