so, it's snowing. or at least it was this morning and a good chunk of this evening. bah.
Dave is going to be moving out at the end of april. (maybe it's time I took a real room... ) :) Hopefully he will find a place that is fabulous (although without us that might be hard) ;)
We think (hope) our landlady is going to ask the downstairs tenants to leave. (have I mentioned that Matt - acid tripper... see oct/05 recently had another crazy fit and smashed his fist through their bathroom window? yeah.)
Tara is going to be leaving in May to bike across the states for "Habitat for Humanity" for 9 weeks! Very impressive. If you want to donate to the cause (she has to raise 4,000.00 for it) you can check out her blog :
adventures in Taraism and click on the HBC link on the side bar (I'll try to get the link up here too.)
did i mention that it was snowing?