(deja vu?
if you happened to read my myspace blog, this may seem a little familiar. but I was feeling lazy, so I copied and pasted. sorry. if not, read on)
Bowling is like a box of chocolates, you never know what pin you're gonna hit (if any)... or something to that effect. So, while mentioning this may slide me further down the scale of dorkiness, some co-workers and I have been going bowling on tuesdays. yup. and this was our third week. and I'm not talking no computer scoring, ten pin rolling, music thumpin bowling lanes either. no no. this is a five pin, paper and pencil score yourself (if you can), push to reset the pins, shoes from the 80's, kinda bowling lane. yesseriee bob. and frankly, we've been having fun. a little laid back competition, a little rowdy cheering, and more than a few good laughs. I think i'm actually getting better. anything over 100 is good in my books. :)
I think next time, I'll try to remember my camera!