Saturday, January 22, 2005

Yay, I slept last night! I don't have to change my room again!
Here's hoping I sleep again tonight, because tomorrow is all work and homework. ah saturday night, so exciting... (although, I blush slightly to admit it, I'm looking forward to the men's freestyle skate tomorrow night - figure skating that is.)
Anyway, just got back from a groovin evening at Steamers Pub. It was a benefit concert which our friend Noah helped put on, and our friend Hayden was in the first band to play - Army of Sheep - they were great, a little regge, rock, funk, and blues all mixed in. The other too bands, not so good, but it was fun. I need to go out dancing more. And then it was a slice of pizza and a latenight walk home with some enlightening conversation...

1 comment:

tara said...

enlightening??? that's probably the most over exaggerated euphemism ever in life, but nonetheless flattering