Friday, August 19, 2005

a smorgasbord...

this last week has been a concoction of work, movies, good food, and hanging out a lot with people from work. On monday night a few of us went to dinner at 5th street fro Alana's birthday, then went for coffee and a walk by the water and a swing on some swings. Then on tuesday night, Dave's little brother, Matt, had a bbq which most of the same people came too (plus my roomie Crystal - the only non-TBG person there, but she got along great) - it was a little chilly outside, but we all warmed up under blankets and votive candles. :) Then on wedneaday morning I had them over for a pancake breakfast. mmmmm.... Then it was back to work again. This morning I'm helping Dave paint his room, and I must say it's a loverly colour! a very warm
sage green. Then it's back to work again! wahoo!

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