Tuesday, November 15, 2005

okay, it's been a little while since my last post. And there are a couple of reasons for that: I was a little overwhelmed by the epic nature if the post I had promised to write re my trip, I haven't felt like spending much time in my room beause it's messy, I've been working alot lately, I've been knitting and crocheting alot lately, and I'm lazy. So there you have it.

Basically I had a lot of fun on my trip, got to see a bunch of family(it was absolutely fabulous to see them all!) a few different cities, a couple rainbows, some snow, rain, sunshine, deer, a moose, my brothers, some appartments for rent, the road in front of me, a play, a hockey game (on tv) got to eat some great food, some terrible soy jerky (hey Travis? mmmm.....), bakery treats (drool), did some pottery, some dancing, went to a hotspring, played lots of games ( I love games), joked around, hung around, walked around, drove to town, and drove out again. Saw some lovely sunsets, and sunrises too, took a ferry, in fact, took two! Made it back, and that was that. Any quvestions???

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