Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I really have to get back into the habit of posting more often! I get wrapped up in the craziness of life and then put off writing about it until it feels like there's too much to say, so i put it off some more! Maybe I just need to stick to simple things, like how much I love the americanos at Cafe Fantastico, and how nice it is to have some sunshine! (except, perhaps, not the resulting sauna of a house!) and how I like to on occasion use excessive amounts of exclamation marks!
There have been several exciting events in the recent weeks: a trip home, a raise at work, a stabbing 4 blocks from our house, my cousin being robbed at her bank, Julie's sunflowers blooming, a bbq involving croquet, spoons, and twister! But that's really all I want to say about them. (except maybe that I had a great time at home - but too short, and sad to say goodbye to my house...; the stabbing was really creepy, but drug related and thus hopefully an isolated incident; raises are always a good thing) I thought I'd just stick up some photos, which is not surprising for me... :) (Flowers and such from our gardens)

1 comment:

tara said...

oh samara, what wonderful pictures....can you believe this is the first time this trip that I've actually had time to look at your blog!?!? pathetic!!

see you soon (I'm thinking a picnic with my favourites at beacon hill? could you do the organizing and the phone calling? thank you!!)