whoops, that month went by fast!
I've been meaning to post, but time is a funny thing... It's been a pretty crazy month. Crystal is in the valley until september, enjoying the sunshine and not working, Julie finished her summer classes and is now home in PEI for august. Crystal's friend Sarah is staying in her room for august, so I'm not completely alone. She's cool. I finally got the bench swing I've been wanting all summer (I'll take a picture and post it), and I'm loving it. Working lots as usual. um... eating blackberries in the back yard, and having bbq's. Tara finished her bike trip, and is visiting for a couple of days before heading home for august (before moving to Germany!) and her and new stellar legs have been fun. :) We went shopping yesterday and she got 3 pairs of pants for a total of 39 dollars! (One pair was only $5!!!) How do you pass up sweet deals like that??? You don't! ;) We just went to Shine for a delicious breaky with Dave, and are now gonna head downtown. weee...
I went to Abbotsford last week or so, to chill with my friend Lindsay who's pregnant, and getting married! It was ridiculously hot, but we had a good time. I got to play with cats, dogs, adn babies, so I was happy. :) and I think that the bridesmaid dresses are going to look pretty nice!
I can't believe how fast July went by! I must get to the beach more!!!
I will work harder at blogging more, but I make no promises.