Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I was going to do this really big rant about stupid people, stupid drivers, and stupid messy bedrooms, but I've run out of time and must get 8 hours of sleep, or the anger will get worse!
so instead (for the moment) I'll post some pictures.
Me and Megan (the other bridesmaid) just threw my friend Lindsay's bridal shower, and it went very well - Lindsay was a good sport, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I also got to see Minter Gardens where they'll be getting married. very lovely.
so until I have some more time, the rant will have to wait. all I have to say is EXCUSE ME for stopping quickly to avoid running over some cute wild grouse , if you hadn't been driving so close behind you might not have had to slam on your brakes and honk at me, bitch! grrr!

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