Friday, September 22, 2006

so apparently love is in the air... or at least weddings and engagements... My friend since birth was just married on the weekend and I was fortunate enough to be her maid of honour. Besides the waking up at 4:30am to get ready for the 9:30 ceremony, and the desperate need to pee just before the ceremony started (luckily but the time we walked up the aisle and into the sunshine it went away - until after anyway) everything went smoothly. there were a couple of fun slip ups - i'm most fond of Lindsay's pause before the word "Faithful" and when I almost dropped her boquet as she was passing it to me and blasphemed (sp?) fairly loudly (might I add that I was standing next to the baptis pastor? typical me. But the weather was beautiful, everyone looked lovely, and I can't wait to see the professional pictures. I managed to get a few of before, and of the reception, but seeing as I was in the ceremony, it would hardly of been appropriate for me to be snapping pics.
Me and the Best man, Nichola's brother Duncan, got to be witnesses, and my hands were so cold, I could barely sign my name! It looked like a 5 year old's signiature! anyway.
My dad made the cake, and did and absolutly fabulous job as usual, so he was there and my momma too, and also my cousin Emily, and it was sooooo nice to have them there. I just wish it all lasted a little bit longer.
so that was the wedding. and when I got back to work, i discovered that one of my co-supervisors just got engaged. awww... (sigh)
here's some pics:

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