Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What can I say? I'm a lame ass. There have been many posts running through my mind in the last month or so, but I have failed to put any of them down. I have pictures, and stories of running over tumbleweeds, dancing in a country bar, driving over a live wire, and so much more, but I just can't seem to find the motivation to write them when I'm thinking about it (or I'm no where near a computer). Maybe I should just relinquish this blog... But then I think about how I'm going to be going to Germany in march and wont this be a good place to post my exciting adventures with Tara, and also when I move back to Nelson, and hopefully start spending more time writing and perusing interesting things, perhaps this little blog of mine will have a rebirth. So those of you still randomly and patiently checking to see if i'm ever going to write here again, don't loose all heart. (or just send me nasty comments or something) :) Until then, I'll try my best (I know, excuses excuses...)
here's some new pics just because...

1 comment:

tara said...

you know what I was thinking? germany and german cafes will be a wonderful place for you to return to writing...maybe we could even inspire eachother and have "writing" evenings. I would so love that...to do something creative again *sigh*

and of course you'll have a key to my apartment, access to the internet and a lot of freetime with exciting stories, so the blog will be revived (or else I'm sure there will be a lot of screaming and yelling...by whom, I don't know)

anyways, it was wonderful talking to you the other day. can't wait to see you my darling!