Wednesday, April 11, 2007

sorry for the lame amount of posting, i'll admit that facebook has been easier to keep updated. But I'll be home in Canada in a few days, and hopefully I'll be able to take some time to catch up. Berlin, and Germany/Switzerland, has been fabulous, and I definitely hope that I'll be able to come back some day (with the ability to speak German preferably).
But for now, life in the working world must start again. sigh.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Ok, i'm being lazy, but it's hard having 2-3 places where you have to keep people updated. so. for those of you who don't have facebook, here is an exerpt: (hmmm I just realized that I can write here, and automatically have it post on facebook too.... I think I'll have to do that next time! yes i realize that i'm a nerd...)...
ok, i'm stupid. damn i hate macs! tara's not here and I forget the shortcut for copy and paste... how lame is that? (stupid no right click function!)
well. basically except for me getting my date of departure wrong, having to cancel the first leg of my flight which left from Calgary (cause I was 7.5 hours way and the flight was leaving in 4), drive to Spokane (well my darling mom drove me) catch a flight from there to seattle where I was able to connect with the rest of my flight, the trip over was quite smooth...
Tara's flat is very lovely, and we've done a lot of walking. Yesterday we went to the East Side Gallery and walked along what remains of the Berlin Wall, we walked all around and went into a KaDaMe (or something like that) so Tara could get some maple syrup from the canadian section. which also had other random stuff I wouldn't necessarily consider canadian staples. But they did have hempseed flour and pancake mix from hempola which is based in Barrie Ontario, and my friend who lives there knows the owners. That was crazy! We also went to a concert last night, with Tara's friend Andrew, a really nice and funny australian. The venue was kind of cool, although very smokey, our eyes were burning by the time we left. The music was interesting... not something I would generally go for, but it was neat being there. And I had German beer! (a rare thing for a girl who doesn't really like beer, but it wasn't that bad at all). Anyway, it was a chilly walk and tram ride back home, and bed was a lovely thing. This morning I went to Tara's work with her, and then walked back to her flat. It was beautiful and sunny and nice just to walk along the streets. We may check out a museam this afternoon, or just enjoy the weather. It's nice not to feel rushed about seeing everything. I am, so far, having a lovely time. Hopefully, once Tara shows me how to upload photos, i'll get some posted.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Well, I made it. I'm here in Nelson, in my bed, in my new room that is full of boxes and makeshift blinds. It was a whirlwind of a trip that started when my mom came on sunday night to help me move. we packed that night. we got up early on monday, got some coffee, picked up the uhaul (almost didn't get one cause one of the guys was such a jerk! but it worked out), got some euros for my trip, picked up some glass and a kiln in Millstream for a friend in nelson, (maybe shopped a little at the outlet malls in sooke...) got back to the house, packed and cleaned in a frenzy (and I mean frenzy by the last hour or so)and just managed to make the 7pm ferry to vancouver. we stayed with my friend Lindsay and got to see her and her sweet baby again (yay!) then we started at 830am the next morning and drove drove drove. Got into Nelson (and I will admit to feeling a little apprehensive as we were entering the city, thinking "what have I done?" but I got over it.) Then we had to un pack everything and load it into the garage and up a flight of stairs to my bedroom (which will look very nice once I actually get it organized and unpacked) and now I'm in bed, ready to fall asleep! I have a week to relax and get organixed for my trip. weeha!

Monday, February 19, 2007

going away party number 1

Saturday night, Kim's house, friends from work, martinis (vodka, peach schnappes, cranberry juice, and lime...mmmmm), cake, games, a little dancing (we'll omit the part where we danced to the spice girls...), a painful day on sunday. Good times! :)
blogger is being annoying, so pics to follow.
and here they are:

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Weeee. It was time for something new....

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Let me just say this: film festivals are where it's at. Railpasses are handy to have when travelling. Bowling is fun (more fun if you're actually kicking ass - unlike me - and if the people in the lanes next to you AREN'T loud raving lunatics...). Cookies are delicious. Friends who take photos with you in the photo booth are cool. Sleep is never overrated.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Well I'll be! I finally decided to update my blogger (say bye bye beta) and I had 6 unrevied comments waiting - sorry guys, if I'd known that I had to update in order to see the comments, i'd of done it a long time ago!

But here we are.

It's monday, it's my weekend and I didn't have to wake up to an alarm clock this morning. Wahooo! (We'll ignore the fact that I did wake up to my roomates getting ready for school, but it's okay is didn't have to get out of bed). I have today and tomorrow off, and there is so much that I'm going ot try to fit in: cleaning my room, sorting and packing the things that aren't essential to my living needs at the moment, cleaning the kitchen (especially the floor!!), going to the gym, going downtown and picking up my plane ticket, changing names on all the bills (free at last!), going to see 3 films at the Victoria Film Festival, having lunch with Ben, and of course going bowling on tuesday evening. Whew! I think I should get started soon!

Time is flying by so fast, I can't really believe that in one month (and a bit) I'll be pulling out of this place in the ole uhaul and lugging my life back to Nelson. Pretty crazy. And pretty exciting! I'm ready for a new adventure. Germany here I come! Right Tara? :)

Well there you have it. :) Thanks for those of you who actually still check this blog in hopes that I'll have bothered to write something. I'm sure as Germany looms closer, I'll be typing away. :)

Monday, January 15, 2007

well, apparently I'm an abysmal blogger. and I'm afraid I have to agree. I was readying a friend's new blog and I was reminded of how much I enjoyed writing blogs when I first started. How I used to notice things thoughout the day and think about how I could write a blog about it. That hasn't really happened in a long while. Maybe I've just got caught up in the mindnumbing routines of everyday life, maybe I've just gotten lazy, maybe I've forgotton how much fun it is to write random and entertaining little tales. In any case, it was refreshing to read my friend's blog and delight in her witty style of writing.
I'm afraid my brain does feel a little numb right now, but perhaps that is a lingering aftereffect of standing for 4 hours outside in minus something weather (minus 6? I realize that it isn't that cold in comparison to those living in say Winnipeg at the moment, but for Victoria it's damn chilly, especially with the wind) while waitind in line to submit my passport application. I thought I was prepared: hoodie, wool jacket, long socks, comfortable shoes, hat, mittens, scarf, coffee, music, a book, a little energy bar - I knew I was in for a bit of a wait. However, after about one hour of tapping my toes to Justin Timberlake (i know I know, shameful really) and sipping my rapidly cooling americano, i realized my mistake. I was short an extra pair of socks, another sweater, a couple of those pocket hand warmer things, and most importantly a friend to take turns getting more warm drinks or sitting some place warm for a little bit. Horray for Ben who brought me a hot chocolate three and a half hours in (still outside, but oh so close to that elusive elevator). And horray for Dave who told me to fill out my application online and then print it out, as it saved me almost an hour once I made it though the first line (sorry you irritated ladies that I got to budge in front of, you should have been better informed - suckas!). But, I perseveared (sp?) and will have my passport in 2 weeks. wehaa. Plus, afterward I got to have a tastey late lunch with that same lovely Ben of the hot chocolate. yay for me.
a trip to the gym and the Golden Globes (well most of it, i do have to work early tomorrow, and this is taking up precious sleeping time, plus 12 minutes of Robot Chicken) finished off my weekend. here's hoping I dream of beautiful men and pretty dresses.

Monday, January 08, 2007

And the new year has begun.
Here are some exciting things about 2007 :
I cleaned my room
I got a new pair of shoes
My mom is working in Alaska teaching
I will be moving home in the first week of March
I will be flying to Germany for 4 weeks on march 13th
I got a raise at work (with only 2 months to go!!)
my oldest and dearest friend just had a baby boy today!!! (I will be "auntie samara")
um... well that's about it. mostly right now I'm excited about the baby. :)
I shall attempt to be more frequent in my posting (for you emolita) even if it only consists of a pic or two, or a little interesting tidbit.
for example, did you know that ketchup coming out of a Heinz glass bottle travels at the speed of 25 kilometers per year? fasinating isn't it?