Monday, January 15, 2007

well, apparently I'm an abysmal blogger. and I'm afraid I have to agree. I was readying a friend's new blog and I was reminded of how much I enjoyed writing blogs when I first started. How I used to notice things thoughout the day and think about how I could write a blog about it. That hasn't really happened in a long while. Maybe I've just got caught up in the mindnumbing routines of everyday life, maybe I've just gotten lazy, maybe I've forgotton how much fun it is to write random and entertaining little tales. In any case, it was refreshing to read my friend's blog and delight in her witty style of writing.
I'm afraid my brain does feel a little numb right now, but perhaps that is a lingering aftereffect of standing for 4 hours outside in minus something weather (minus 6? I realize that it isn't that cold in comparison to those living in say Winnipeg at the moment, but for Victoria it's damn chilly, especially with the wind) while waitind in line to submit my passport application. I thought I was prepared: hoodie, wool jacket, long socks, comfortable shoes, hat, mittens, scarf, coffee, music, a book, a little energy bar - I knew I was in for a bit of a wait. However, after about one hour of tapping my toes to Justin Timberlake (i know I know, shameful really) and sipping my rapidly cooling americano, i realized my mistake. I was short an extra pair of socks, another sweater, a couple of those pocket hand warmer things, and most importantly a friend to take turns getting more warm drinks or sitting some place warm for a little bit. Horray for Ben who brought me a hot chocolate three and a half hours in (still outside, but oh so close to that elusive elevator). And horray for Dave who told me to fill out my application online and then print it out, as it saved me almost an hour once I made it though the first line (sorry you irritated ladies that I got to budge in front of, you should have been better informed - suckas!). But, I perseveared (sp?) and will have my passport in 2 weeks. wehaa. Plus, afterward I got to have a tastey late lunch with that same lovely Ben of the hot chocolate. yay for me.
a trip to the gym and the Golden Globes (well most of it, i do have to work early tomorrow, and this is taking up precious sleeping time, plus 12 minutes of Robot Chicken) finished off my weekend. here's hoping I dream of beautiful men and pretty dresses.


Princess Pointful said...

I really think that's the natural progression of blogging, though (if such a thing could be mapped scientifically- dissertation here I come!). People are thrilled with the novelty at first, but it becomes more of a chore as you have to continually come up with silly little observations and such.

Besides, your routine is about to soon change, baby!

leo said...

hey blogger lady, i would love to read some more of these if you have some time!!! hee hee hee em