Monday, February 05, 2007

Well I'll be! I finally decided to update my blogger (say bye bye beta) and I had 6 unrevied comments waiting - sorry guys, if I'd known that I had to update in order to see the comments, i'd of done it a long time ago!

But here we are.

It's monday, it's my weekend and I didn't have to wake up to an alarm clock this morning. Wahooo! (We'll ignore the fact that I did wake up to my roomates getting ready for school, but it's okay is didn't have to get out of bed). I have today and tomorrow off, and there is so much that I'm going ot try to fit in: cleaning my room, sorting and packing the things that aren't essential to my living needs at the moment, cleaning the kitchen (especially the floor!!), going to the gym, going downtown and picking up my plane ticket, changing names on all the bills (free at last!), going to see 3 films at the Victoria Film Festival, having lunch with Ben, and of course going bowling on tuesday evening. Whew! I think I should get started soon!

Time is flying by so fast, I can't really believe that in one month (and a bit) I'll be pulling out of this place in the ole uhaul and lugging my life back to Nelson. Pretty crazy. And pretty exciting! I'm ready for a new adventure. Germany here I come! Right Tara? :)

Well there you have it. :) Thanks for those of you who actually still check this blog in hopes that I'll have bothered to write something. I'm sure as Germany looms closer, I'll be typing away. :)


Emily said...

what a sensational picture. you are just gorgeous. thanks for blogging, I missed them.

love you - em

samara said...

aww, thanks. :)

tara said...

yay! you're back...and almost here! I too am going to three films, but these are at the international BERLIN FILM FEST. tell me to shut up whenever you want...

another yay for the rail I just need to cross my fingers for my three month late pay so that I can pay you back...adventuring into new and foreign cities is expensive! I'm in debt and it hurts...

anyways enough about me...can't wait to see you in around a month!!

Princess Pointful said...

yay! Mara's back!