Wednesday, October 05, 2005

So, Saturday was great, and Sunday was looking to be fabulous. It started with some pancakes with strawberries and bananas, and the plan was oh maybe staying in pjs for the majority of the day, watching a movie, doing some crocheting, you know a lazy sunday. I was pretty excited.
but no, this wasn't to be. Some how the schedule at work was messed up and the closing supe. was in tofino, leavng a very sick Damon trying to find someone to come in and close. Lucky day for me, I was the only one available... So I got to spend my sunday at work. wahoo...
the only good thing is the money, and I got to see a few people that I never see at work because they're only there on the weekend.
so there's that.
monday was much better, had fun with Sue and Jess. Tuesday, felt a little sick, so work wasn't fun, but I made it through, and managed to make it through the Feist concert as well. She's bloody amazing. Her voice is, like, magic! :) Today flew by, and it was another new episode of LOST weee! It's so interesting! I just want to know all the damn answers! They've done a good job of hooking you in. damn them.
let's see what tomorrow brings...

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