Sunday, October 02, 2005

"Those were the days my friend..."

Good times were had at the Irish Times last night, celebrating Oona's 21st Birthday(Happy Birthday Oona!) We sipped martinis, clapped and belted along with the music, laughed, tried to de-grumpify Tara ;) , and generally had a blast. Nice atmosphere, tastey food (although primarily for meat eaters...), all around good time, (even with me and oona practically pushing this couple out of their table so we could have it.) :) And my friend Aimee, who I haven't seen since february was there, and it was great to reconnect with her. Then, me and Oona and her friend Julie then headed over to The Upstairs Caberet for some dancing. It was fun - we just boogied to the beat (some of which was terrible, but most was fun and great for dancing), the only downside was my choice of shirt (too hot!) and the sleasy guy that kept trying to dance with us. (Take a hint buddy!)
Today was a great day too! In the morning (ok, waking up at 730 to josh - the kid downstairs - yelling MOMMMM! was not so pleasant, but seeing how it's pretty much a daily occurence...) Crystal and I went for americanos at Cafe Fantastico (the best ever!) , then we pulled out the last of the beets, tidied and turned over most of the garden, and trimmed the hedge (with an electric hedge trimmer! It's not pretty, but at least it's not flailing in all directions now). Burritos , mmmmm, one of my favourite things for lunch, then a spot of crocheting (tis the season) and 13 going on 30 (which was actually more amusing the second time). Then (a busy day) I went out for a bit of groceries (a bit of an ordeal as it was 530ish, and customer appreciation day at Thriftys, busy place!) and to pick up some wine for Crystal and our dinner guests. So, basically I shouldn't be the one to pick out wine. Seeing as I don't drink it, have no idea what's good, even what the differences are between say a shiraz and a merlot, and could pretty much get lost in a liqour store. So I bought two, just in case...
And for dinner... Ramona, Kent, Juile and Hayden brought over salad rolls, steamed soy beans, and tofu (SOOO good!) and me and Crystal made (well, actually Crystal pretty much did all the cooking and cutting) bbqed veggies and tofu (a very soy-ful night!) and Yams and Beets with Lime (simply divine, esp with some chipolte mayo... drool) another night of good food and great people. Then I headed out for a late movie with my friend Gavin; we saw The Constant Gardener. Very very good. I highly recommend it! It made me want to do something important with my life. Gorgeous cinematography.
and to top it off, a bit of dessert at home and a little SNL ...
all there is left to do is sleep!

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