Monday, April 24, 2006


here's some photos and tidbits:
I broke a bumblebee's leg the other day. I didn't mean to, I thought he was a dust bunny!
Easter was lovely, a visit from Norann, egg painting, chocolate, brunch, sunshine, cheesy movies, what more could you ask for?

I am now 25. oh my.

spring, oh spring, with your blue skies, and your delicious smells, and the glorious earthworms in my garden.

Cuff the Duke is a wicked good band! especially live.
Tara is leaving soon... :(
but before she goes, she's having a benefit concert to help fundrais the 4000.00 she needs for her bike trip. so if you live in victoria (heck, if you're just visiting) you should definately check it out! info at

1 comment:

Dave said...

You've been comment-spammed!!!!