Saturday, May 27, 2006

okay, so i know it's been awhile, there's no excuse, really. What can I say for myself, except that I've been busy with work, a new roomate, gardening, sunshine, and more work. just haven't really had the energy to extrapilate on my days. (Did I spell that right? just wanted to use a big word, heck did i even use it right?) :) anyway, I've read some good books - Sweetness in the Belly, A Reciepe for Bees, and i'm in the middle of The God of Small Things. built a "greenhouse" with Julie... which is still standing, to our surprise.

missing Tara who is now starting her long bike journey (GO TARA GO!)
went to my friend Michelle's 40th surprise birthday party - quite enjoyable

got sick, along with Julie, so we've been watching alot of movies and whining - good times all around.
am very excited about going home next week for a little visit. The parent's finally sold our house, so it will be the last visit... :(

Just found out that my friend, whom I've known since birth, is pregnant, and getting married! and I get to be her maid of honour! eek! very exciting.
oh yeah, went to a Joel Plaskett Emergency concert, which rocked ass! good times were had.
Other than that, just some random animal sightings: deer on quadra street at 7am, a funny looking duck waddling down west saanich road, several wild rabbits, a couple turkey vultures, a bald eagle, and lets not forget the roadkill - :(


--James-- said...

Hey fellow victorian. I was just searching for others in the city and you were one of the few who actually has recent posts, so hello. How was Sweetness in the Belly? I've read Gibbs other books but haven't gotten that one yet, love her stuff though. Ramble, ramble... anyways, cool blog. Ciao

samara said...

hey james,
Sweetness in the Belly is a fabulous book, well written - in a way that talks about some of the tragic things that have happened in ethiopia, but in a way that isn't so horrible... if that makes sense. That's the only book of hers that I've read, but I'm definately planning on checking out her other ones. y
ou know what's funny though? is that I haven't really been posting much lately, and then my cousin was like "you better post something!" so I kinda just threw it together... anyway, thank for the comment. cheers.

Anonymous said...

Who's getting married? Is it Lindsay?
(I know it's not me!)
PS. Hi :)

Anonymous said...

Oops, I should give you some clue to who I am, hey?

tara said...

do you want to talk about roadkill? how about a bazillion dead possums, some squooshed racoons, an old man shovelling rabbits off the road early int he morning, a bloated deer, ten dead porcupines and numerous other dead unidentifiable jaw bones, paws, bits of fur and intestines that I get to see and SMELL EVERY day of this godforsaken bike trip???

Angie said...

What a beautiful picture of your parents' house. I haven't been there since before there were doors on anything. It's too bad that I won't be able to take Travis there before they move. Thanks for posting something! It's nice to catch up on what's happening! :-)