Monday, January 08, 2007

And the new year has begun.
Here are some exciting things about 2007 :
I cleaned my room
I got a new pair of shoes
My mom is working in Alaska teaching
I will be moving home in the first week of March
I will be flying to Germany for 4 weeks on march 13th
I got a raise at work (with only 2 months to go!!)
my oldest and dearest friend just had a baby boy today!!! (I will be "auntie samara")
um... well that's about it. mostly right now I'm excited about the baby. :)
I shall attempt to be more frequent in my posting (for you emolita) even if it only consists of a pic or two, or a little interesting tidbit.
for example, did you know that ketchup coming out of a Heinz glass bottle travels at the speed of 25 kilometers per year? fasinating isn't it?

1 comment:

Emily said...

hey lady, thanks for the blogs!!!
Luv ya - Em