Wednesday, May 31, 2006

just got back from my second (and last) day of Foodsafe Level 2. weeha. basically, I'm glad I'm a vegetarian, don't want to own /run a restaurant, thankfully passed the exam, have never drank so much tea in 2 days. (am also trying to get over an icky cold/cough). At least it's over now.
went and saw X-men 3 last night with friends from work - very good, kind of want to go see it again because I missed the part where another friend from work was an extra (the funeral scene, back row behind the Beast apparently) I was looking, but no dice. and it was worth waiting out the credits to see the little extra scene at the end. It doens't necessarily change the ending, but it does make it more interesting.
um... yeah that's pretty much it. my cousin Cayley is coming down this weekend for a wedding, and it will be great to see her. That's the one think that sucks about growning up and moving away, you don't get to see your family as much (I know some people move away for that reason, but I happen to like my family)

the green house is tilting dangerously, and I don't have the energy to fix it...

1 comment:

Angie said...

Thanks for that tip regarding X-Men 3! If I hadn't read your blog we would have left without seeing it. Kind of plays with your mind a little eh? :-) Hope things are going well for you!