Friday, April 08, 2005

Ah, the peacefulness of a clean room. why oh why can't I keep it like this? I love the way a room feels when it's just been thouroughly(sp?) cleaned. Especially when you get into bed. There's just a feeling of breathing room, of clarity. If only it weren't so rare in my case...
anyway. had a great day. obviously I cleaned the room (minus the cd collection, still need to organize those stacks...), took a little adventure with Crystal to Old Navy, where we got some flip flips and tee-shirts (I've never been that big of a fan of Old Navy, cheap clothes, cheap prices, at a high cost to the workers... but as I am human and hypocritical, I bought those things. what can I say). Then Ben came over for a late supper of burritos and salad (YUM, one of my favourites) and we watched Love Actually which Ben hadn't seen yet. Sometimes you need a bit of cheese. (we were going to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's as i haven't seen it yet, but alas he brought over a dvd, and all we have is vhs...) Now I'm going to have a great sleep (I hope) work all day tomorrow and get ready for our grad party where I plan to do alot of dancing! weeee! I'm trying not to think of the loads of revisions that I should be doing. not thinking about them...

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